Auction Tip #36 - #40
Auction Tip #36: Use The Bold Title Option
Make your item standout by listing it in bold. Items highlighted in bold are 50% more likely to sell. For some items it is a cost-effective alternative to featuring your auctions. Test what works for your particular item.
Auction Tip #37: Conservative Pricing
When playing it safe, set the minimum price for your item just slightly lower than what you think it might be worth. This will encourage opening bids on the item. The first bid is always the hardest one to get. Don't start too low, though, because the rules state that you are obligated to sell the item for that amount if the minimum is met.
Auction Tip #38: Free Advertising For Your Auction
You can tell other people on the Internet about your auctions. By actively driving extra traffic to your auctions you'll find that your Dutch auctions will do much better. Use signatures and post to appropriate newsgroups, message boards. Use email (not spam), search engines or whatever works. You can promote individual auctions, your about me page, or a website that sells your products or directs visitors to your auctions.
Auction Tip #39: Avoid Using Private And Reserve Auctions
Buyers are especially cautious of bidding when info is held back from them. Most informed eBayer's can't stand reserve auctions unless your item is one of kind. Bidders will always prefer straight auctions to reserve. Private and reserve auctions will limit the number of bidders you'll have for your item.
Reserve prices assure you your item won't sell for below a certain amount. But since the reserve price is not made public, this will turn off bidders. Suppose you set a reserve price of $50, and a bidder is willing to spend $49, if he knew your minimum was $50, he might just bid that extra dollar. Not having a reserve price is a selling point. Announce it loud and clear.
Auction Tip #40: Readability Rules For Descriptions (and Email)
1) Use a short opening paragraph.
2) Short sentences make firm friends!
3) Make your paragraphs less than 5 or 6 lines.
4) Underline or boldface important words or phrases.
5) Include attention-boosters: questions, news items, promise...
6) Ask for the bid at the end of the description.
7) Use positive language.
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